The ministries in Hauna are continuing strongly even through I’m not there. Even my high school class is being taught by Peter, my main administrator there in the Hauna office. It’s hard to believe I will miss an entire school year in PNG which ends in November. I miss being there.
Even though I have been vaccinated, the flights needed to get back to Hauna that go through Australia, Hong Kong, or Singapore have not opened up. So, I sit here in Boise with intermittent contact with my friends in Hauna.
I’m so thankful for Topher, Courtney and the board of Laszlo Mission League as they continue to facilitate ministry from here in the United States. Even though we can’t get communication through, the child sponsors continue to faithfully support and my personal financial supporters have been faithful as well. It’s so exciting to me when the LML donors provide needed money for outboard motors. Without outboard motors, the outreach to other villages grinds to a halt. Please continue your strong support of the Hauna outreach through Laszlo Mission League.
I’m content and blessed. Shirley in Boise